Fox Bullets_reloading data_new

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This loads can serve only as a reference, since they were not officialy tested. The user can not consider theese samples as an official document.

WARNING: Handloading should be performed only by qualified adults. Incorrect and/or careless handloading ca cause serious personal injury. Since individual handloading procedures are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability for any damages which can resoult.

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Fox Bullets - Reloading data v.18


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Official VihtaVuori load data

Fox Classic hunter bullets were tested with the VihtaVuori powder. Find officialy tested loads  in the VihtaVuori reloading manual. Check out for the .308 Winchester, 6,5 Creedmoor, 9,3×62 caliber an other…

Official Reload Swiss load data

Fox Classic hunter bullets were tested with the Reload Swiss powders. Find officialy tested loads  in the Reload Swiss reloading manual. Check out for the .30-06 Spring.,  .300WinMag, .308Win …

  • Do you recommend a minimum bullet jump into the lands for home loaded ammunition ?

  • Hello,

    Can you send me load data for our Hunter Classic leadfree Bullet, cal. 7x57R – bullet 130grain powder Lovex S062 barrel length is 60 cm and for cal. 8×57 IS – bullet 160grain powder Lovex S062 barrel length is 51 cm.

    Thank You

    Steffen Hass

  • Hallo,

    Van you send me load data for your Hunter Classic bullet in Cal 6,5 creedmoor. In 123 grain and 139 grain.

    Trank you

  • Hello!
    Can you send me 180gr 308win new bullet reloading data. Powder is vihtavuori n540.

    • Hello,

      Can you send me for 308win Classic hunter bullet 180 grain new bullet reloading data. Powder is Vihtavuori N140.

  • Salve potete indicarmi una dose di ricarica per le palle 257 fox da 100 grani calibro 25.06 con polvere Vihtavuori N 550 o N 160.

  • I need reloading data for the 210 grain 338 win mag, classic Hunter bullet.

    Can you provide some good data?

    • Hi, I need reload data for .338winmag 210 grains Fox classic hunter bullet as well. Did you get some Rasmus

  • Heloo.load data for 300win mag and vihtaviuri n560 fox bulet 165grain
    Coal and grains please.

  • Bonjour, J’ai acheté vos ogives fox bullets, est ce que vous pourriez me transmettre les tables de rechargements avec:
    *poudre realoadingSuiss RS70 pour:
    Cal 7×64; ogive(.284) fox classic hunter 145gr
    cal 30wm;ogive(.308) fox classic hunter 150gr
    *Poudre vihtavuori N140
    Cal 8x57jrs;ogive(.323) fox classic hunter 180gr
    Je vous remercie par avance du temps que vous m’accorderez pour la réalisation de mon projet. Cordialement. Mr Besançon Stéphane

  • buongiorno. Sono Michele ed avrei bisogno se possibile dei dati di ricarica per la classic hunter 6,5 creedmoor 139grs.
    i migliri saluti

  • Hi,

    I Need the loading data for the Fox classic Hunter 180 gr 308 win. Powder isvihtavuori n140.
    Thanks in advance.

  • bonjour,

    je souhaite recharger du 9,3×62 et du 7RM. pouvez vous me dire s’il faut effectuer un sertissage, car dans les données de rechargement que vous présentez sur votre site je ne vois pas d’indication.


  • Buongiorno,
    cortesemente si puo avere la dose di ricarica con palla Fox da 145 grani per il calibro 7mm Blaser Magnum per la caccia di selezione – Cervo – Daino – Capriolo.
    Disponibilità di polvere Vith N 550 e Norma MRP -Norma URP.
    Grazie Cordili saluti

  • Hi can you provide me with some reloading data for the 8x57JR (318) 150g clasic and N140 Powder

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